Sunday, September 29, 2013

Grade 2/3 Frog Calls

Below are some recordings we made in 2nd and 3rd grade music the past couple weeks. First we learned about frogs and frog calls. Then we created our own frog calls (I found this idea online but do not remember where. If anyone knows feel free to comment!):

Leopard frog: rub a balloon w/a wet finger (This one was left out from some recordings since it didn't sound "real" enough)
Cricket frog: click two marbles together
Chorus frog: run a stick over guiro instruments
Green frog: snap a rubber band over plastic box opening

Next we learned about Haiku poems and students practiced speaking and clapping a haiku poem I had written about frogs, showing the normal 5-7-5 syllable lines:
"The sun has risen.
Chirps and croaks are in the air.
I listen and smile."

Finally, instead of clapping the syllables, students improvised on barred instruments, such as the xylophone, while saying the haiku poem out loud. They could only play one note per syllable. This was combined with the frog call recording to create the final product you hear below. The last recording (class 2G/N) is only of the frog call, which is interesting to listen to as well.

Sandi Moon

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